Configuring FTP for use with CU·Emulate

This option sets up the software on your workstation. You must ensure that the proper FTP server software and hardware is installed on the host before starting this procedure.

CU·Emulate includes Kermit software for transferring files between your workstation and The Collector System. Because FTP is much faster than Kermit, you can use this option to set up the FTP file-transfer software to replace Kermit.

To complete this procedure, the following are required:

  • CU·Emulate version 2.2 running on your workstation.
  • TCP/IP network connection to The Collector System workstation.

    A serial connection will not work.

  • The Collector System host running Unix or Windows.
    • Unix—Usually the FTP software is incorporated into Unix machines. Nothing needs to be done unless the FTP software was disabled. If so, it needs to be enabled.
    • Windows—Install the FTP server portion of Internet Information Server. This is on your Windows installation CD, and is also available from Microsoft's Internet Information Services website.
  • A user name and password with read and write permission to the intermediate FTP directory.
  • On the host workstation, note the default FTP directory. If you want to use another directory, you can:
    • Create a new directory, and then note the path name.
    • If that directory is not a subdirectory of the FTP root directory, create an IIS alias for that directory, and note the alias name.
  • Make sure that the Allows Only Anonymous Connections checkbox is clear and that the directory is configured for read/write access.

The FTP service can be set up for a single user or for an entire network. When configuring FTP for a single user, complete the steps below for each workstation. You must use the same profile name for all workstations.

If you have read and write privileges on the network server, you can complete the following steps just once for the whole network. See the FTP section of your CU·Emulate manual for more detailed instructions.

To configure FTP for use with CU·Emulate:

  1. From CU·Emulate, click File > FTP Setup.
  2. Complete the following steps for each workstation or for the network:
    1. In the Profile Name field, type an identifying name.

      Make sure you note the profile name because you will need it later. Also, make sure the profile name is the same for all workstations.

    2. In the Hostname field, type the host's IP address or name.
    3. In the Username field, type the user's NT or Unix system username.
    4. In the Password field, type the user's NT or Unix password.
    5. Click Save, and then Close.
  3. In The Collector System, from the Master menu, navigate to Management Work Strategy > Agency > Misc. Setup Routines (menu 10.1.15).
  4. In the Miscellaneous Setup Routines window, select Configure FTP for use with CU·Emulate, and press Enter or click Ok.
  5. At the This Routine Will set up The Collector System to use CU·Emulate's FTP capability. Ok to Continue? prompt, click Yes.
  6. In the Enter the CU·Emulate FTP profile to use window, type the name of the profile that you entered previously.
  7. In the Enter the NT directory on your Collector System to FTP files window, type the default directory for FTP files.

    The default directory is typically C:\inetpub\ftproot. This is the directory name by which the NT system identifies the FTP path internally.

  8. If your workstation runs on NT, in the Enter the IIS directory alias for default FTP path window, type the external alias for this path; otherwise, go to Step 8.

    The following prompt uses information from the Internet Information Service (IIS) setup on NT computers. Use it to specify the external alias for this path.

  9. At the CU·Emulate FTP setup completed successfully prompt, click Ok.
  10. In the Miscellaneous Setup Routines window, to exit, click Cancel.