Creating or changing data service profiles

Use this option to create a data service profile for specific job functions and/or create a default data service profile for your agency.

To create or change a data service profile:

  1. From the Master menu, navigate to ClosedManagement Strategy > Agency > Svs Restrict Setup (menu 10.1.71).

  2. In the Data Service Restrict Profile ID (?) window, do one of the following, and press Enter or click Ok:
    • To create a new data service profile, type a name for the profile.

      The name cannot exceed 16 characters.

    • To update an existing profile, do one of the following:
      • If you know the name of the profile, type it.
      • To choose from a list of profiles, type ?.
        • In the Data Restrict Profiles window, select the profile to use, and press Enter or click Ok.
  3. In the Report List window, select the data service report to create restrictions for, and press Enter or click Ok.
  4. In the Data Service Restrictions window, do any or all of the following:

  5. In the Data Service Restrictions window, do one of the following:
    • To add more restrictions to this report, repeat Step 4.
    • To add more reports to this profile, do the following:
      1. Click Cancel.
      2. At the Ok to Update Profile? prompt, click Yes.
      3. Repeat Steps 3-4.
  6. When you are finished adding reports and restrictions, click Cancel in the Data Service Restrictions window.
  7. At the Ok to Update Profile? prompt, click Yes.

    Even though the system does not display a confirmation message, the data service profile is saved.