Enabling the Financial Transaction log

Select this option to turn on or off the Financial Transaction Log. This log allows you to store up to seven years of transaction information. The stored information can be included in the Daily Trans, Trans by Desk, Trans by Client, and Easy Out reports.

If you change the number of years to retain financial transactions, the transaction history file may need to be resized. Be aware that the greater the number of years chosen, the larger the file will have to be.

To enable the Financial Transaction log:

  1. From the Master menu, navigate to ClosedManagement Strategy > Agency > Misc Setup Routines (menu 10.1.15).

  2. In the Miscellaneous Setup Routines window, select Log Financial Transactions (Trans-Hist), and press Enter or click Ok.
  3. At the Log Financial Trans History Off. Turn on? prompt, to confirm, click Yes.
  4. At the file size warning prompt, to confirm, press Enter or click OK.
  5. In the Years before deleting Financial... window, select the number of years of data to retain, and press Enter or click Ok.
  6. At the You have chosen to turn Trans History on with number years retention. OK to file? prompt, to confirm, click Yes; otherwise, click No.

    The system displays a message this it is creating a transaction history file.