Menu 10.3.26 - Collector Strategy

At its roots, The Collector System is one large database that holds all the agency's account information—regardless of the status of the accounts.

When an account enters the system (whether entered manually or electronically), it is automatically assigned to a desk. A desk is not necessarily a physical location, but a way to group accounts in a logical manner within the system. For example, you may have a desk for all your legal accounts or a desk for all your high-balance accounts. You will also have desks for individual collectors so they can work their accounts. You will also likely create support desks, which are resources or specialized help desks for regular desks. For example, if your collectors have accounts in need of a legal review, you would set up a legal review support desk that collectors can forward accounts to for legal review.

As accounts enter the system, they are automatically added to the pool of all accounts in The Collector System (see the following figure).

They then go through a series of tests to determine what desk to send them to. The desk location resides in attribute 10 of each account. The assigned desk never changes, even if the account is forwarded to another desk, such as a support desk.

After the desk is assigned, the account information is copied from the larger database into the Collector File (also referred to as CF file) for each desk (see the following figure). The CF file contains accounts considered "active" by your agency in that they are being worked by a collector or a group of collectors.

The CF file is grouped into a Work in Process (WIPs), which a list of accounts in the order to be worked by the collector (see the following figure). The Collector System allows you to configure the order in which the accounts display on the WIP.