Menu 10.5.50 - Status, Action, Business

Use the Status, Action, Business menu to manage your status, action, and business codes. The following table describes the differences between the code types:

Code type


Action code

An action code is a shortcut for entering a repetitive task, such as entering routine notes or updating the Tickler. Action codes can:

  • Enter a pre-written note.
  • Update the Tickler.
  • Run a macro.
  • Move the cursor to a note or Tickler field for the collector to make an entry.
  • Perform a combination of all of the above.

Action codes can be written to cover almost any situation. As such, they are discussed only in general terms here.

Status code

Assignment status codes control many aspects of the way an account is handled. They affect desk assignments, WIP lists, notices, and other functions. The code can be changed at anytime to reflect changes in the status of the account. Every account has a status code.

Business code

A business class is a way to group clients together by the type of business they operate. Examples include medical services, utilities, and retail stores. The business class is entered in the Business Class field of the Client Update screen and printed on the Agency Performance by Business Class report.