Creating and executing a new list

To create a WIP list for use in the Account Update screen, build a Recall statement. For more information, see Working with Recall.

To create and execute a list in Account Update:

  1. From the Master menu, navigate to ClosedData Entry > Account Update (menu 1.1).

  1. If The Collector System is in a preliminary Month-End process, the Preliminary Month End in Progress. Use Old or New Month? prompt displays. Do one of the following:
    • To create and execute a new list for the old month, click Old.
    • To create and execute a new list for the new month, click New.
    • To return to the Data Entry menu, click Cancel.
  2. If your agency uses batches, in the Batch Number to Update window, select Go to Account Prompt, and press Enter or click Ok.
  3. At the Enter Account# (?. /) prompt, type a period (.), and press Enter.
  4. In the Create Customized Lists window, select Create/Execute New Recall Statement, and press Enter or click Ok.
  5. At the Enter Recall Statement (/) prompt, type the Recall statement, and press Enter.

    For more information, see Working with Recall. In addition to the standard Recall values, you can use the variable @Date to represent the current date. For more information on @Date, see @Codes.

  6. At the Do You Wish to Save this Statement for Future Use? (Y, N, /) prompt, do one of the following, and press Enter:
    • To save the statement, type Y.
    • To use the statement one time only, type N. Proceed to Step 9.
    • To make changes to the statement, type /.
  7. At the Enter Name to Give this Statement (Optional) (/) prompt, type a name for the statement, and press Enter.
  8. At the OK to Execute this Statement Now? (Y, N) prompt, do one of the following, and press Enter:
    • To run the statement now, type Y.

      The system builds the list and returns to the Enter Account# prompt.

    • To exit without running the statement, type N.

      If you chose to save the statement in Step 7, the system saves the statement, and you can run it at a later time.