Displaying Miscellaneous Amounts windows

Use command M to view the Miscellaneous Amounts window. Up to nine fields display miscellaneous charges (such as NSF check charges, fees, and other associated charges) in this window.

The Account Inquiry screen displays the financial information in the upper right corner of the screen.

When you use the M command, the Miscellaneous Amounts window replaces the financial information window.

To display Miscellaneous Amounts windows:

  1. Navigate to the Account Inquiry screen.
  2. At the Enter Option (?) prompt, type M, and press Enter.
  3. At the Press <CR> (Q, /) prompt in the Miscellaneous Amounts window, do one of the following:
    • To go to the next Miscellaneous Amounts window, press Enter.
    • To return to a prior Miscellaneous Amounts window, type /, and press Enter.
    • To close the Miscellaneous Amounts window, type Q, and press Enter.