Understanding the Inquiry Options window

The Inquiry Options window is used throughout the system to find accounts. It offers six types of information that you can use to find an account record. If you use CU·Archive, you can configure The Collector System to also search the archive.

For more information about CU·Archive, or to configure this feature, contact your Finvi Support representative.

Information in the special fields can be cross-referenced in the inquiry files. Your organization determines which type of inquiry information (name, address, social security number, client account number, or DRL) is cross-referenced to each field.

You may enter additional names, addresses, social security numbers, client account numbers, and DRL numbers as cross-references in the account notes. These cross-references, as well as the information in the Account Update fields, are found through Inquiry.

If your organization has more than one logon for The Collector System, you can search for accounts on other logons. You are prompted for the logons to search in after you enter the information you want to search.

Most agencies do not use the cross-logon feature because they either do not need more than one logon or because they want to keep users from accessing the information in different logons. If you want to use this feature, contact your Finvi Support representative to set it up.