Menu 4.12 - Aging Report

The Balance Forward/Aging report lists clients that owe your agency money from previous billings. It indicates how long each client has been in arrears.

The Aging report calculates the receivables up to the date you enter. For example, if the current date is December 15 and you enter December 10 as the calculation date, the Aging report includes transactions from the current date through December 10. If you press Enter for the current date, it includes transactions up to December 15. However, if you run the report after you print the week 4 statements, the report includes all transactions eligible to appear on the week 4 statement. The Aging report includes holdover transactions eligible to appear on a statement, even if they have not yet actually appeared on a statement. Clients that receive on-request statements have their balance forward calculated as of the last time their statements were requested. The totals include client payments (including Client NSFs) received after you ran the last on-request statement, even though they have not yet appeared on the statement.

Net remit clients do not display on the Aging report unless there have been many direct pays to the client and the net remit client now owes the agency. For open item clients, the date entered has no bearing on receivable calculations. The amounts that are actually owing are the only ones shown on the report.
