Menu 5.2 - WIP

As part of the Day-End routine, the system sorts each collector's accounts into the order the collector should work them. The sort order is determined by priorities established by management. The sorted list is called the Work In Process (WIP) list.

New business can be restricted from inclusion on a WIP based on the following conditions:

  • Required work is appearing before the new business.
  • The Time List may need to be adjusted.
  • The assign date is older than 90 days causing the account to appear as a conversion account.

New business includes accounts that are received in the last 90 days that do not have a future work date.

In addition to the daily WIP, your manager can create, or give you permission to create, additional WIPs that include accounts for specific purposes. A sub-WIP is a specialized WIP created from the accounts in your daily WIP, while a miscellaneous WIP can be created from any accounts on the system.