Menu 12: Special Routines

The Special Routines menu is used for add-on modules for The Collector System. Each add-on product has its own User's Guide or Setup Guide that includes a description and instructions for the options in this menu. Depending on how many special routines your organization uses, the location of the menu items on the menu screen may vary. For more information, contact your Finvi Support representative.

The add-on modules you use may affect other parts of The Collector System, such as the Collector screen or the Account Update screen. We recommend that you review the User's Guide for each module before you begin using the module.

Finvi offers several add-on modules that you can purchase for The Collector System.

The following table describes each module and contains a link to download the applicable PDF guide:




Account Distribution Proration

Distributes fines and other payments among different funds and programs facilities.

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

Assists you in electronically sending holds and releases to the DMV on a set schedule.

Employment Development Department (EDD)

Tracks and monitors current employment for specific accounts.

Franchise Tax Board (FTB)

Uses FTB's power as a state collection entity to assist in court-ordered debt collection.

Packet Posting

Provides you the ability to post across all accounts within a packet using a variety of posting methods.

Tax Intercept

Selects and processes account information sent to a state agency.

Unsecured Tax

Aids government agencies in tracking and collecting taxes owed on unsecured property.

Victim Restitution

Allows you to track payments to victims.

Menu options overview

The following table describes each of the submenus of the Management Strategy menu. Click the menu link to go to the topics for that menu number.



12.1 - Easy Out

Easy Out allows you to create your own custom reports that you can print or display in a report format.

Menu 12.1 - Easy Out

Easy Out allows you to create custom reports from files in The Collector System without knowing any programming language. For more information, see Menu 14: Easy Out.