Menu 13.4.51 - Account Update

The Account Update screen allows you to display and update any legal account. You may change almost any information on legal accounts except for the following:

  • Actual assigned amounts
  • Received amounts
  • Dates of charges
  • Last payment

Legal accounts are worked using the Collector screen. Just as with accounts in a general collections workflow, legal collectors can display all the pertinent account information, record actions taken, request letters, and so on. Legal collectors can also use their Tickler to set up the next action on the account.

The Legal Judgment screen is used to track all of the information pertinent to the judgment issued for the account. You can access this screen by typing L J at the command prompt in either the Account Update screen, the Collector screen, or the Posting screen. Please note that the system prompts users for a legal password in order to secure judgment information from unauthorized access.

To update the information for a legal account, you use the same features available for non-legal accounts. You can access the Account Update screen for legal accounts from either Legal > Update Routines > Account Update (menu 13.4.51) or Data Entry > Account Update (menu 1.1), depending on how The Collector System is set up at your agency and what screens you have access to per your user login profile. For more information, see Menu 1.1 - Account Update.