Menu 1.1 - Account Update

The Account Update screen is where you add new Account records and change existing Account records.

The Account Update screen has six sections for entering information. When changing account information, rather than advancing through every field on the screen, you can enter a shortcut in any field to access the section of the screen that holds the information you need to update. To do this, type a forward slash (/) and the number of the section to jump to. For example, type /2 to go to the Pkt field located in section 2 of the screen. This moves the cursor to the first field of section 2, Telephone. You then press Enter until you reach the Pkt field.

When you add a new account, your agency configures the fields where the cursor will stop as you navigate the screen. For more information, see Menu 10.6.68 - Account Update Path.

When you create an account, The Collector System updates the client's statistics and places the account in the new Account file. Accounts in the new Account file automatically receive notices, are included on acknowledgment lists, and in Month-End statistics.

If you are in preliminary Month-End, the system prompts you to add accounts to the old or new month. Preliminary Month-End allows you to close the old month's files but postpone running all the Month-End reports until a more convenient time. This prompt allows you to add accounts to the old month if your agency received them before preliminary Month-End runs; on the same day, you can add new accounts to the new month. If you select a new or old batch, either the batch prompt or the Account Update screen displays.