Changing judgments using the Legal Judgment Update screen

Use this option to access the Collector screen from the Legal menu to update Fiscal fields, display accounts in a packet, open the judgment or miscellaneous windows, and display and update account notes.

To update a legal judgment:

  1. Open an account in the Collector screen.
  2. At the CMD prompt, type LJS, and press Enter.

  3. At the Enter Legal Password prompt, type the legal password, and press Enter.
  4. In the Enter Command (Fn, D, LJ, MS, *, /) prompt, do one of the following, and press Enter.

    If you access the Legal Judgment screen from Legal > Update Routines > Legal Jmt Update (menu 13.4.55), the Enter Command prompt provides you with command 9, which displays the Account Update screen.

    • To update the Fiscal fields, type F and the screen number. For example, F2.
    • To display other accounts in the packet, type D.
    • To move the cursor to the Judgment window to change amounts, type LJ. For more information regarding the fields in this window, see Opening new judgments using command L J.
    • To open the Miscellaneous window for access to credit reporting, type MS.
      • In the Miscellaneous Screens window, select the screen to open, and press Enter or click Ok.
    • To display and update this account's notes, type an asterisk (*).
      • In the Types of Notes to Display window, select the note type to update, and press Enter or click Ok.
    • To exit the Legal Judgment Update screen, type /.