Adding or editing credit reporting agencies

You can add a new credit reporting agency or update a credit reporting agency's configuration.

To add or edit a credit reporting agency

  1. From the Master menu, navigate to Management Strategy > Agency > Credit Reporting (menu 10.1.4).

    You can also access credit reporting agency setup options and controls from Utility > Credit Reporting (menu 9.4).

  2. In the Credit Reporting Setup window, select Consumer Format, and press Enter or click Ok. Do one of the following:

  3. In the Select Bureau Type window, select a credit reporting agency, and press Enter or click Ok.
  4. In the Enter name of credit bureau window, type the name of the credit reporting agency, and press Enter or click Ok.
  5. In the Select Field To Update window, select one of the options to configure, and press Enter or click Ok. Refer to the following list for each option you select.

  6. In the Select Field To Update window, to save the credit reporting agency, click Cancel.
  7. At the OK to file? prompt, do one of the following:
    • To save the credit reporting agency, click Yes.
    • To discard the credit reporting agency, click No.
  8. To report to multiple configurations for the same credit reporting agency, in the Select credit reporting agency name Bureau to Use window, select one or more configurations to activate, and press Enter or click Ok.
  9. After you add a credit reporting agency, in the Client Control record, you must assign the creditor classification and designate which clients to exclude from credit reporting, or you can exclude all of a client's accounts from credit reporting.

    If you have multiple account types and creditor classifications, perform the following: